27 January 2013

Tri Chi Bid Day 2013

These are my favorite pictures from bid day. I loved the sunlight! It really made for some cute pictures. The black and white one had a really interesting focus. At first I was thinking that it didn't turned out, but I think the balloons are in focus(?) or something. It turned out a little more artistic then the others, but I still love it. 

10 January 2013

only sunlight

I took this picture exploring an old barn that belonged to my great grandpa. I really like the way it shows how the sunlight effects the inside of the barn. 

08 January 2013


This is a picture is from a photo shoot I did with my little sister a while ago. I added a few antique looking filters.  

07 January 2013

ice storm

This might have been one of the most memorable christmas breaks ever. These are pictures from an ice storm that left my house without power for almost 4 days. I did get some good pictures though :) I love how the sun is reflecting off the ice and making the branches brighter. I took these pictures first thing the morning after the storm so some of the snow had not melted. In the first picture I love how you can see the difference between the ice that the sun has reached, and the snow that is still white from the cold.