06 April 2013


This spring break I got to go out with Cassie and take pictures at Arkansas' Wye Mountain daffodil festival. I like this one because this seemed to be the only one that had good that I had the sutter speed right. I love sunlight, but it can be hard to work with because it can wash the pictures out. Sometimes the sunny-day pictures that are a little washed out are my favorites. These were taken around noon.

27 February 2013


This is one of a few pictures I took in an Amish greenhouse. (I asked first). I love how it shows three different flowers blooming. Each is at a different stage. We know they will end up the same. 

26 February 2013


This is my grandmothers german shepherd, Greta. She is the sweetest dog :) I made this picture kind of antique looking because the picture was taken inside where the lighting wasn't so good. I love the look in her eyes.

27 January 2013

Tri Chi Bid Day 2013

These are my favorite pictures from bid day. I loved the sunlight! It really made for some cute pictures. The black and white one had a really interesting focus. At first I was thinking that it didn't turned out, but I think the balloons are in focus(?) or something. It turned out a little more artistic then the others, but I still love it. 

10 January 2013

only sunlight

I took this picture exploring an old barn that belonged to my great grandpa. I really like the way it shows how the sunlight effects the inside of the barn. 

08 January 2013


This is a picture is from a photo shoot I did with my little sister a while ago. I added a few antique looking filters.