Showing posts with label farm. Show all posts
Showing posts with label farm. Show all posts

06 April 2013


This spring break I got to go out with Cassie and take pictures at Arkansas' Wye Mountain daffodil festival. I like this one because this seemed to be the only one that had good that I had the sutter speed right. I love sunlight, but it can be hard to work with because it can wash the pictures out. Sometimes the sunny-day pictures that are a little washed out are my favorites. These were taken around noon.

05 December 2012


This picture was taken at a farm in Wisconsin. I love the way the sun reflected in the clouds and contrasts with the barn. This was taken in the summer. 

25 November 2012


Not sure why I love this picture so much. My grandmother took me out to the farm where she grew up to take pictures. This big farm dog came out from underneath the barn. I do not have the best experiences with dog (our little dog and I do not get along). But this was this was the friendliest dog! He was so friendly that this was the only picture I was able to get of him at a distance. This dogs name was Hooch by the way.